Whew! The last week was a busy one! I traveled all the way across the country to Grammy & Gramps's other house, in California. My mommy, cousins, Grammy, and Aunt Patricia came too! In addition, I got to see Uncle Stefan, and my Aunts Mish and Dimps (they haven't seen me since I was born, so they super were impressed with how much I've grown).
All in all, I the trip was a blast- I just love to be on the go! Here are the highlights from the trip.

This is Cassidy in the exersaucer Uncle Stefan and Aunt Dimps gave me- I think she liked it more than me and Talulah!
Mommy & Me in the pool- I went in twice! It was kind of like a big bathtub, but a little cooler, and definately more scenic!
Lounging by the pool with my 'cuz Tula... Grammy and Gramps had stocked the house with tons of toys for us- this vibrating chair was totally my fav!
Tula, Grammy, & Me. We both started crying at the same time, so Grammy picked both of us up- she's the best (fyi: Tula does not usually cry, but she was having some teething difficulties).
Aunt Mish & Me. She is so cool and beautiful- I love her!
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