Sunday, July 26, 2009


In case you didn't know, I'm bilingual.  Agua means water in Spanish, and boy is it one of my favorite things.  Not only is it pretty and great to drink, but you can also make big splashes in it, and blow bubbles.  I'm learning all of this stuff in swimming lessons.  The place I go to for my swimming lessons is also called AGUA.  How's that for synergy?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ice cream cake

Today is mommy's birthday- she is 27, which sounds super old!   We are supposed to celebrate her today, and I guess I have to be kind of happy she's around, because she's the reason I'm here.  However, she took me to the doctor to get shots this morning, so I wasn't very happy with her.  I hate the doctor!  But she made up for everything when she brought out the most delicious creation known to man: the ice cream cake!  I gobbled it up, licked the plate, and asked for "more please!"  Now I ask for ice cream before bed every night.  Mom has created an ice cream monster!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Somebody to lean on

These two gals are my cousins, and let me tell you they are the best family you could ask for- cause while all the grown ups are eating, drinking, talking, or watching sports, they join me on the swings or at the piano.  We love to entertain and we certainly make a striking trio.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

The Fourth of July is a very special day.  On this day we celebrate the birth of our nation and the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which the founding fathers pledged to support with "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."  Heavy stuff.  As heavy as this day originally was, we now use it as a day for swimming, eating, and watching fireworks.  Which is fine with me.  I clearly love all three!